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Hi! My name is Aleksandra Vujic

I help committed Professionals in International Affairs to improve their job performance and secure future career opportunities by advancing their communication skills in Serbian.

With my help, you can significantly improve your Serbian communication skills in 10 weeks. Your colleagues and clients will be able to understand you clearly.  You will expand your business Serbian vocabulary to better express yourself and have the confidence to participate in meetings and write professional business emails in Serbian.

The problem at this point

Is that your Serbian is affecting your job performance. You cannot think of the right words and lose confidence when have to speak Serbian. Oftentimes, you feel insecured because your colleagues/clients have a hard time understanding you when you speak in Serbian or you find difficult to understand them as they speak quickly and have different accents. You don’t understand or know how to use business Serbian idioms, expressions, and phrases to express yourself. You feel challenged when participating in meetings in Serbian or writing professional business emails.


What scares you most

Is that you know, if you don’t change, you will get stuck with your current position and maybe miss future career opportunities. You will not be able to best  grow yourself to the next level. You will stay frustrated by your lack of progress and real-life authentic results.

Rest assured, you are not alone!

You will rock at your job and secure future career opportunities, and what’s more, you will be able to better communicate with your colleagues and clients and become the person you are proud of. One day, your language skills will benefit your job performance and accelerate your career progression. 

Leave your comfort zone! Improve your Serbian by taking my 10 weeks program based on 30+ years of experience in work with international professionals!



Program description


Ultimate goal

I’m offering to help you to improve your communication skills in Serbian. At the end of the program, you will have everything you need to improve your job performance and secure future career opportunities.



After 10 weeks, you will be able to master all international affairs vocabulary that is necessary to better express yourself in Serbian, improve your communication skills so you feel comfortable and confident speaking up in your meetings, and write professional emails that leave a great impression.


Framework and duration

This program has 3 pillars and lasts 10 weeks:  pillar I – 2 weeks, pillar II – 5 weeks and pillar III – 3 weeks. After that, we will have one last meeting in week 10 to wrap up the program and make sure you’ve got everything you expected.


Way of working together

We will video chat once a week on Skype/Zoom for at least 1 hour 30 minutes. I will coach you on the topic for that week during the session, and you will have exercises to work on between sessions.


Time needed for progress

It will take you about 2-3 hours in total every week to make enough progress.

Pillar I

Serbian culture in the framework of international affairs vocabulary

You will not only understand the culture in the Serbian-speaking business world but master the vocabulary that allows you to use international affairs idioms, expressions, and phrases to better express yourself.

Pillar II

Pronunciation and skills to conduct one-on-one and group meetings in Serbian

You will significantly improve your Serbian communication clarity so your colleagues and clients can understand you clearly and you will have confidence while attending meetings in Serbian both in person and virtually.

Pillar III

for students of social sciences or humanities 

You will know how to write professional business emails that leave a great impression. 

About me

You might be wondering why I help professionals in international affairs to learn Serbian… First, let me see if any of this resonates with you 👇

I have extensive experience in the field of human and minority rights in Serbia and the wider region in the framework of international organizations, explicitly with the Council of Europe and with OSCE, UNHCHR and European Commission.

In the past 30+ years I have developed an excellent network of relevant stakeholders of local and national authorities (incl. relevant ministries), academic institutions, professional associations, media, NGOs and international organizations.

Working with people I have realized that language is not just the method of human communication but a powerful force that could unite and divide people.

I witnessed number of situations in which language have caused conflicts.

I attended English language schools and private lessons, overpaid them but never received what I really needed in short time for my work with  other professionals in international affairs.

I was making enough impact (and money) but I knew I was falling short of my potential and life mission to help people.

I decided to take things into my own hands and go solo in assisting and helping people in need. And here we are, now!

If you’re interested in learning more, message me the word “TEACH” 📩

Happy to chat, answer your questions, and give you some tips (no matter what stage of the journey you’re at).

 Aleksandra Vujic LINKEDIN

Register and start learning Serbian today!

Open an additional door to opportunities. Improve your communication skills. Boost your confidence. Connect. Improve your memory. Feed the brain. Sharp your mind! 



I was enrolled for 2 years in the Serbian online course. I really appreciated the format through Skype. Aleksandra has been always ready to answer and reply to my questions, she was always on time, well prepared and professional. I had approximately 100 lessons with her and now I am able to interact with success with people in Serbian. Aleksandra’s way of teaching is very practical and systematic and that helped me to use Serbian in different life situations. I am very grateful to her and I want to recommend her as a great teacher.

Dana Smith

Learning Serbian for Business

I’m really happy with my lessons with Aleksandra. She loves the Serbian language and she teaches it with pleasure. Although we are practicing a lot of time conversation, she does not ignore grammar. She used to speak with me in Serbian but at the same time, she used to explain to me grammar in English, and that is very useful. I take Serbian lessons twice a week and even after a short period of time I am noticing results!


Arnold Smith

Full-time Student Abroad

Book a Class Today!

Communicate in Serbian, regardless of your level of proficiency. Overcome the language barrier. Have the courage to talk. 

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